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Talent Information Registration System
Information Registration
Talent Cultivation, Future Creation
Thank you for supporting the Talent Information Registration. The Committee will continue to make efforts in collecting information of Macao residents' educational background, work experience, certifications and qualification. Based on the previous experience, the Committee will systematically file the data of their professions, education courses as well as certifications, and scientifically optimize their categories to guarantee the accurate and complete data. So that the Committee could provide the residents with practical information to promote their upward flow according to their registration information.
In order to file and sort out the existed talent information, welcome to log in the system, to confirm or to update the information submitted. If you have not registered yet, please click “New user registration?” button, so that we could provide practical services for you soon. Your information will be kept absolutely confidential. If there is any question, please feel free to contact info@cdqq.gov.mo